Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Structural Analysis and Design, Finite Element Analysis, Failure Analysis
Expert has industrial experience in steel and concrete bridge design, aerospace applications, finite element analysis, and medical research. He also has more than 40 years' experience in teaching and research as a professor in the Civil Engineering Department at Syracuse…

Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Computer Modeling and Simuations for Accident Analysis
Within the last two decades, Finite Element Analysis (FEA), generally referred to as “Computer Simulations”, provided advanced engineering support for many accident-related cases. FEA can provide a very thorough analysis and deep understanding of the overall accident as well as…

Product Development, Failure Analysis, Finite Element Analysis, Rapid Prototyping & Manufacturing
Expert is currently the operations manager of American Engineering Group (AEG). His expertise involves failure analysis of tire, roofing assembly, air springs, fabric reinforced diaphragms. Expert acted as Chairman of Service Life Prediction and Elastomer FEA International symposiums. Expert has…

Engineering, Software Engineering, Product Development, Finite Element Analysis, Asia-Pacific Market
Expert has an extensive background in starting, growing and managing successful global high tech companies over a thirty-year period for IBM, Gould, Silicon Graphics, and others. He has had direct P&L responsibilities with both public and private companies and is…

Compliant Mechanisms, Flexure/Torsion Hinges, MEMS, Microsystems, and Finite Element Analysis
Expert notes that both of Castigliano's theorems are excellent tools in quantifying deformations and loads (external or reaction) of elastic bodies under small- or large-deformation modeling assumptions. He has extensively applied these theorems in finding closed-form solutions for compliances or…

Thermal Systems, New Product Development, Finite Element Analysis
Expert managed a concurrent engineering team that designed and developed the world's first commercial scroll refrigerant compressor. He was responsible for developing the compressor design, manufacturing processes and production implementation of those processes. The compressor was a commercial success, meeting…

Patran, Apex, Finite Element Analysis, Nastran, Metal Failure, Random Vibration, Strength Assessment
ABAQUS; PATRAN; NASTRAN. Expert has had three years of experience in the application of NASTRAN to space shuttle dynamics problems. He has ten years of experience in the development and technical support of PATRAN FE modeling software and interfaces between…

Thermal Analysis, Finite Element, SINDA
All models start from simple schematic models. The simple model has as few nodes as possible in order to capture important features and gain insight. Complexity is added to the models until the desired refinement and accuracy is obtained. The…

Electrical Engineering: Digital, Analog and Power Electronics
Expert is an electrical and electronics engineer with experience in digital, analog, and power electronics. With a strong foundation in hardware design, software algorithms, and functional safety, he has established himself in the automotive and energy conversion industries. His expertise…

Mechanical Engineering: Equipment Safety, Ropeways, EV Chassis, Product Development & Risk Assessment
Expert is a licensed Professional Mechanical Engineer (PE) with over a decade of experience in mechanical engineering, product development, and safety design. He specializes in taking complex projects from concept to operation, with expertise in low- and medium-volume production environments.…