Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Re-Licensing Decisions, Natural Resource Appraisal, etc.
Expert has expertise in performing cost-benefit analyses that compares marketed and non-marketed resources for issues surrounding fisheries, timber, water, and wildlife. The results of his studies have been used for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission re-licensing decisions. Expert designed surveys…

Environmental Client & Project Management: Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS/CERMS)
Expert in Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems for 30+ years, with experience with multiple instrument installations, testing, and certification for power plants, hazardous waste facilities. He is currently involved in ethylene oxide system installations and commissioning for sterilization plants. Principal Continuous…

Construction and Project Accounting
Expert is an analytical and proven professional with an exceptional background in utilizing data from diverse financial and information systems to build and generate reports that support organizational decision-making capabilities. A focused project management and business professional, Expert has accrued…

Fire Origin and Cause, Products Liability, Equipment Failure, Management, O&M Evaluation
Expert has performed accident investigation activities and assisted legal staff in preparing for court cases including providing sworn testimony regarding issues of fire and explosion origin and cause, equipment performance, manufacturing processes, and management negligence in personal injury cases. He…

Asset Management, Cost Evaluation, Utility Rate, Utility Plant Water Systems, Wastewater System, Public Utilities, etc.
Expert has been recognized as an expert in these areas before many state Public Utility Commissions and Superior Courts: Regulation and management of utility services, particularly revenue requirements, costs of service and rate design. Since the early 1970's, Expert has…

Wind Power, Wind Energy, Renewable Energy, Wind Turbine, Wind Farm, Energy, Utilities, Clean Energy
Expert is a seasoned sales, marketing, and commercial operations leader with over 12 years of experience in the energy, infrastructure, and technology sectors. With a proven and successful track record increasing sales revenue, implementing growth strategies, building teams and market…

Chemical Processing
Expert's consulting firm was formed in April 1991 and is composed of a principal, Expert, and other professionals from many engineering disciplines and backgrounds. The association of these professionals allows our clients to have access to a broad background of…

Gas Processing, Pipelines, Strategy, Processing Operations; Oil & Gas, Facilities, Project Development, Construction
Expert has over 30 years of experience in all facets of the midstream energy industry in both the US and International assignments. Consultant with extensive experience in multiple facets of the international energy industry, including: business development; operations; engineering; strategic…

Energy: Renewable Energy Projects, Utility Rates and Tariffs, Project Economics and Management
Evaluation of renewable energy opportunities, applicability, selection of vendors, and project management; Integration of renewable energy with utility grid: interconnection and utility requirements. Optimization of renewable energy: storage and microgrids. Utility tariff review and selection. Regulatory representation for renewable energy.…

Wetlands, Wildlife, Storm Water, Erosion Control, Hydroponics, Aquaculture: Program and Project Management
Expert has a broad and comprehensive grasp of biological and ecological sciences. He specializes in land and water management. For land management, the services provided may range from aquaculture and hydroponic operations to environmental compliance operations. For water management, it…