Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Lighting Fixture Design, Lighting Application Design, Sheet Metal Part Design, 3D Modeling & CNC Programming
Expert has over 35 years of experience in the Commercial Lighting Industry and has been directly involved in most every key position and aspect in outdoor commercial lighting manufacturing companies, including: national sales (directly to all levels & through independent…

User Interface Design, Human Factors, Mobile Devices, Software Engineering, Systems Engineering
An accomplished human factors engineer, user interface designer, and systems and software engineer with expert witness experience specializing in analysis and design of mobile computing devices, human factors, human systems integration, user centered design, information architecture, user experience, motion tracking,…

Computer Aided Design, Finite Element Method, Mechanical Engineering, Biomechanics
Expert is the Director of the Medical Engineering Research Group at Employer and a Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering. Since completing her PhD in 2001, she has been applying mechanical engineering solutions to medical problems, mainly in orthopaedics. Expert's research…

Architecture, Engineering, Surveying,Construction Technology, Building Design, Professional Practice
Expert Evans is a registered and chartered architect with unusually wide and diverse experience gained during over three decades of architectural practice. In addition to core architectural skills, Expert has developed related expertise in the roles of: construction defects consultant,…

Building Services Engineering Design, Project Management, Coordination; Energy, Sustainability, EPC
For many years the increasingly competitive market place and pressure on consultancy firms to make savings has lead to a reduction in the quality of design and drawings produced to convey that design. All too often inaccurate or uncoordinated information…

Specification Writing, Drafting, ISO9001 Certification
Expert has 10 years experience in computer-aided drafting and design. She has provided drafting consulting to several Fortune 500 companies to prepare project plans and to update and align existing drawings to the AIA CAD Standard.

Firearms Functioning, Design, Manufacturing; History & Identification, Gunsmithing, Ballistics, Ammunition, Airguns
Expert Witness - Firearms, 30 years’ experience: Testified in State and Federal Courts, patent, liability, and criminal cases. Books have been cited as "Best Evidence" Qualified in firearms functioning, firearms technology, firearms history, firearms identification, and ballistics (interior, exterior, terminal…

Government Proposals, WBS, Engineering Process
Supported engineering efforts for a major U.S. Marine Corps training program. Reviewed and authored technical documentation and user guides. Managed contractor engineering team and technical tasking. Prepared briefings and status reports. Authored statements of work, reviewed proposal submissions and provided…

Industrial Design, Product Development, Rapid Model Making, Inventions, Prototypes, Expert Witness
Expert has been creating innovative new consumer product designs, as well as commercial, industrial, medical, toys and fitness products for over 35 years as both an Industrial Design Professional and a Creative Design Director. He has hands-on knowledge of the…

Mechanics (Stress, Dynamics, Test), Modeling (FEA, CFD, Chemical), Machine Design, Controls
At Cessna, Expert designed the pressure cabin, empennage, and main spar carry through for the 441 Conquest and 650 Citation 2. His other engineering responsibilities included stress measurement (strain gauges, brittle coatings), solids modeling (NASTRAN), and FAA certification report authoring.…