Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 737529 Singapore

Green and Clean Energy: Petrochemical, Refining, and Downstream Chemical and Utilities Sectors: Pre-commissioning, Commissioning, and Plant Startup

Executive summary: Expert has 17 years' experience in the petrochemical, refining, and downstream chemical and utilities sector. His experience includes pre-commissioning, commissioning, plant routine startup, shutdown, and emergency operations. His management roles include service as process trainer and process commissioning…

ID: 735205 Florida, USA

Reaction Engineering, Process Reactor/ Technology Development, Design, Debottlenecking/ Revamp/ Upgrade, Modeling/ Application Software, Process Intensification

He is a recognized expert in design, development, scale-up, demonstration and debottlenecking of commercial reactors. With a track record of successful commercialization of three new technologies, currently working for a fourth, and zero-failure, he offers a unique set of capabilities…

ID: 734912 Canada


Expert is a process and chemical engineer with a Bachelor from Univercity Laval in Quebec City. He has more than 15 years experience in engineering, automation, validation of manufacturing equipments, clean utilities, pharmaceutical systems and computer systems (cGMP, GAMP5, CFR-21…

ID: 733665 Cameroon

Pressure Swing Adsorption; Gasification; Pyrolysis; Biomass or Gas to Liquids; and Oil and Gas/Chemicals Process Design Engineering

Expert designed, built and ran a pressure swing adsorption (PSA) unit as part of his Ph.D work. The unit separated hydrogen from synthesis gas produced from the pyrolysis of biomass at high temperatures with a goal to optimize cycle hydrogen…

ID: 731111 Minnesota, USA

Gasification & Pyrolysis of Coal, Biomass and Wastes.

Expert has 18 years of research supervision experience with the University of N.Dakota Energy Research center, dealing with lab scale to large pilot scale coal gasification. This dealt mainly with bituminous and subbituminous coals, and extension of same technology to…

ID: 730697 Washington, USA

electrochemistry, chemical process dev., corrosion,chlorine, alternative energy, cable rejuvenation

Expert has a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering and completed a thesis in electrochemical engineering. He has over 30 years of experience in applied electrochemistry. He has applied his expertise in electrochemical engineering to a variety of electrochemical systems including: chlor-alkali,…

ID: 730633 United Kingdom

Plant Cell Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Bioenergy, Algal Biotechnology, Biomass Processing

Expert has a strong track record at internationally competitive level in plant cell molecular biology and biochemistry, mass spectrometry and proteomics, gene discovery and post-genomic systems biology and development of analytical techniques, achieved over 16 years of leading projects in…

ID: 729209 Germany

Energy, Utilities and Engineering Based Businesses: Strategy, Operations & Systems; Energy Markets

Expert is a consultant and management expert in the utilities, energy, engineering and automation sectors. He has managed large national and international organizations (utilities, energy service and engineering companies and divisions) in Europe and Asia and has developed and delivered…

ID: 728844 Minnesota, USA

Rheology, Nanotechnology, Particulate/Multiphase Processes, Chemical Engineering.

Expert operates his contract research & development small business incorporated in 1990 in Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA. Expert's professional experience spanning over four decades in chemical engineering has focused around the broad areas of particulate/multiphase processes and rheology. Chemical engineering…

ID: 727607 India

Biomass Energy, Biofuels, Anaerobic Digestion, Solid Waste Management, Sustainable Waste Management

Expert is a Renewable Energy Advisor with expertise in biomass energy, waste-to-energy processes, solid waste management and biofuels. Apart from managing his advisory firm, he has been actively involved in fostering sustainable development in different parts of the world in…

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